熱中症予防情報サイト メニューボタン メニュー表示

Heat Stress Index: WBGT

Current WBGT and Forecast

2024년도의 더위체감지수(WBGT)의 제공정보는 10월 23일(수)부로 종료되었습니다. 열중증과 관련된 콘텐츠는 계속해서 이용하실 수 있습니다.

(Blue) Almost safe (Sky) Caution (Yellow) Warning (Orange) Severe Warning (Red) Danger
< 21
appropriate water replenishment suggested
21 - 25
water should be replenished often
25 - 28
rests should be provided often
28 - 31
heavy exercise prohibited
≥ 31
exercise prohibited


WBGT index is one of the empirical indices representing the heat stress to which an individual is exposed. (ISO7243)

WBGT varies depending on environmental situation and condition.