
Heat Stress Index: WBGT

2024년도의 더위체감지수(WBGT)의 제공정보를 4월 24일(수)부로 개시합니다.

クリッカブルマップ アラート発表状況詳細
(Blue) Almost safe (Sky) Caution (Yellow) Warning (Orange) Severe Warning (Red) Danger
< 21
appropriate water replenishment suggested
21 - 25
water should be replenished often
25 - 28
rests should be provided often
28 - 31
heavy exercise prohibited
≥ 31
exercise prohibited

WBGT index is one of the empirical indices representing the heat stress to which an individual is exposed. (ISO7243)
WBGT varies depending on environmental situation and condition.

Heat Stroke Alert

  For Oct 25 (Updated at 20231025 5:00)
地図(日本全域) 熱中症警戒アラート発表状況

2024년도의 열사병 경계경보를 4월 24일(수)부로 개시합니다.

クリッカブルマップ アラート発表状況詳細
